Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Reflect, consolidate and move forward...

As the end of the year is rapidly approaching, it is a good time to reflect and
review the last 12 months, to celebrate your achievements, appreciate your efforts and to analyse what stopped you from achieving your goals (if any) and resolutions that you set yourself at the beginning of the year.

Sometimes I find I can be quite hard on myself if I haven't accomplished everything I set myself to achieve, but then I wonder if the goals I set were realistic or if any goal I haven't achieved was that important to me anyway, because if I really really wanted it to happen, I would have found the time, energy and motivation, and would have done everything in my power to achieve it, right? Then, I think to myself that maybe I expect too much from myself? Sounds familiar?

Whatever the reason may be, I think it is crucial to take time to think about what is really important to you and what you would like to accomplish in the year to come. If the goal you are setting really matters to you, then you are more likely to find the motivation and drive to achieve it. To help you appreciate your accomplishments and set important goals you may want to consider some of the questions below:

Reviewing the last year:

What have been your 3 biggest achievements / accomplishments of 2013?

What are you most proud of achieving?

What are the top three lessons you have learned this year?

What one personal quality have you developed most in 2013? (For example: patience, empathy or courage etc.)

Planning the year to come:

What are your top three priorities for the coming year?

What makes it important to you?

What would your end goal look / feel / sound like?

What would the outcome be if you achieve your goal?

What would be the consequences of not achieving your goal?

How will you achieve your goal?

Who can support you in achieving your goal?

When will you achieve it by?

You don't need to wait until January to make a list of your New Year's resolutions. Your goals can be set any time of the year, all you need is a pen and paper. I hope that these few questions will help you with successful goal setting.

Good luck!